Updated 8/4/22 The UF Health Music Ensemble is currently paused indefinitely. Please call Arts in Medicine at 352.733.0880 with questions.
Do you play a musical instrument? UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine is seeking interested musicians to pilot a staff ensemble. The concept is to provide a musical outlet for faculty, staff, and students with previous musical training. Pending success of the pilot program, the goal will to be to perform twice a year in the hospital. If you are interested, please fill out this form: http://artsinmedicine.ufhealth.org/2015/07/15/staff-music-project/ or if you would like more information, please contact Ferol Carytsas at carytf@shands.ufl.edu.
Check out our featured article in News and Notes: http://news-notes.ufhealth.org/2016/06/09/making-musical-connections/