AIM at the 2024 Arts in Health Intensive

summer intensive participants

This week, artists and administrators from the Arts in Medicine team are gearing up to present at the 2024 Arts in Health Intensive hosted by our colleagues at the UF Center for Arts in Medicine.

The Arts in Health Intensive is a long-standing professional development program that offers creatives the opportunity to explore the roles of the arts in both healthcare and public health contexts. Open to people of all levels of experience in the arts in health field, the intensive supports learning and networking in a hybrid approach.

UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine plays a crucial role in supporting the intensive and its goals. The arts in medicine practitioners and administrators offer participants real-life examples and anecdotes as professionals in the field. The presentations on each facet of arts in health practice and business model help the Center for Arts in Medicine provide a robust and well-rounded experience in conjunction with in-person clinical shadowing during the second week of the intensive.

This annual intensive is not to be missed!

Learn more about the Arts in Health Intensive.