Our team is here for you 24/7. Use these virtual resources to learn a new dance routine, or simply enjoy watching, as dancers in residence teach you accessible dance choreography to get moving and have fun.
Dance can be a fun, enjoyable way to get moving, however if you experience discomfort while following the movements, stop and return your focus to the natural flow of the breath.
Get moving with our dancers in residence as they guide you through simple dance routines that can be performed seated or standing. Easy to follow and accessible movements make these pieces of choreography available to those with a wide range of health conditions.
Seated Dancing
Dance along with Whitney Wilson, Dancer in Residence, and enjoy accessible choreography that can be done anywhere you are. With references to nature, Whitney teaches you a fun routine as a way to get moving while remaining seated (or standing).

Seated Body Wakeup
Enjoy getting your body warmed up and energized through a body movement sequence with AIM dancer in residence Whitney Wilson. This accessible sequence of choreography is about 15 minutes in duration and is a great way to get moving while remaining seated (or standing).

Sit back and relax as dancers in residence perform original works, showcasing their range and skill.
Summertime Blue
Relax and enjoy the ebb and flow of this original dance by AIM dancer in residence Whitney Wilson, performed underwater at Gilchrist Blue Springs in North Central Florida.