The following links will provide resources and information on the practices of integrative, complimentary, and alternative medicine. In western culture, alternative medicine is any healing practice that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine.
Alternative Therapies in Health &
This website directs you to current news, research, and events within topics of alternative medicine. Also, the printed journal, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, promotes the art and science of integrative medicine and a responsibility to improve public health.
CancerNet-Complementary & Alternative Medicine: 1 (800) 422-6237,
This website directs you to the National Cancer Institute in which you will valuable cancer-related information of all kinds. This website offers consumer-oriented information on a wide range of topics as well as comprehensive descriptions of our research programs and clinical trials. You will also find many articles on the benefits of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer.
Health World Online: is your 24-hour health resource center–a virtual health village where you can access information, products, and services to help create your wellness-based lifestyle.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health:
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) is the Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine. Here you will find articles and related topics about complementary alternative medicine.
UF Health Integrative Medicine: (352) 265-9355, https:
The UF Health Integrative Medicine (ITM) team is dedicated to the compassionated integration evidence-based mindfulness practices into traditional Western medicine. ITM offers massage, meditation, tai chi, and qigong to hospitalized UF Health patients. ITM also offers wellness education including free weekly classes, single-session workshops, and six-week courses on mindfulness and Ayurveda. Patients may also consider visiting the outpatient clinic to continue to receive services. Outpatient referrals can be made at 352.265.9355 (WELL).