Special Event Application – Volunteers

Volunteer-based Special Events

The purpose of this page is to inform volunteers from the community who are interested in partnering with UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine (AIM) to host a one-time special event at any of the UF Health clinical sites in Gainesville, FL. The special event must be free to all participants and must meet the criteria in the list below.

AIM is designed is to infuse our hectic hospital environment with moments of calm and creativity. We reserve the right to determine whether your artistic contributions meet the objectives of our program. Spaces are limited so not everyone can or will be placed.

Requirements and Important Information

  • Activities must be safe for patients (no latex balloons, toxic or flammable materials, sharp tools, inappropriate content, etc.)
    • No food or drink may be offered to patients
  • Due to infection control policies, no community visitors under 18 years of age
  • Activities are subject to change due to patient availability. Be aware that attendance may be very low due to medical condition, etc.
  • All content and interactions must be religiously and politically neutral; no promotional or religious materials are to be distributed.
  • All items to be distributed to patients must be screened and approved by an AIM staff member. Items may need to be distributed at a later time by hospital staff.
  • NO photography is allowed
  • Parking garages are owned and monitored by UF. There is no discount parking for UF students, faculty, or staff visiting the hospital to volunteer. Other (non-UF) community members will receive a voucher for discounted parking.

Please complete the following form and submit at least 3 weeks prior to your proposed visit. This form is only for individuals and groups interested in visiting adult units. 

PEDIATRIC SPECIAL EVENTS: If you are interested in visiting the pediatric units, please complete this form: Child Life Special Event Application . Once you have completed the form, email it to the UF Health Child Life Department childlife@shands.ufl.edu


Special Event Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    (Weekends or other times than those listed require special arrangement)