Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer. It is estimated that over 1 million new cases occur annually. The following websites will provide more information on skin cancer as well as current treatment related to this cancer.
Aim at Melanoma: 877.246.2635,
This website provides great resources related to skin cancer. The information on this website displays detailed information for patients, caregivers, families, and more. Also, this site contains inspirational stories as well as current research and developments related to skin cancer.
Melanoma Research Foundation: 1.800.673.1290,
Committed to the support of medical research in finding effective treatments and eventually a cure for melanoma, the MRF also educates patients and physicians about prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of melanoma. Here you can find information, research, and programs related to this type of cancer.
Skin Cancer Foundation: 212.725.5176,
The Skin Cancer Foundation is dedicated to reducing the incidence of skin cancer through a combination of research, public education and awareness Here you can find prevention guidelines, related links to different type of skin cancer, and much more!