Gynecologic cancer is cancer originating in the female reproductive organs. It includes cancer of the cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, vagina and vulva. The following websites below will provide resources for anyone seeking information on Gynecological Cancer.
Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered: 1.866.288.RISK (7475),
This website provides women with resources to determine whether they are at high risk for breast and ovarian cancer due to genetic predisposition, family history, or other factors, provides information about options for managing and living with these risk factors, provides support for patients and families with these risk factors, to raise breast cancer awareness, and much more!
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition: 1.888.OVARIAN (682.7426),
The mission of the NOCC is to raise awareness and increase education about ovarian cancer. This website provides medical information, current news and events, and other resources on ovarian cancer.
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance:,
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) is the leading organization in the world fighting ovarian cancer from all fronts, including in the lab and on Capitol Hill, while supporting women and their families.
Self Help for Women with Breast of Ovarian Cancer: 1.866.891.2392,
SHARE provides a supportive network and community of women affected by breast or ovarian cancer. SHARE brings women with cancer and their families and friends together with others who have experienced breast or ovarian cancer, to provide participants with the opportunity to receive and exchange information, support, strength and hope.