The following websites provide creative alternatives for health and therapy through the arts. The use of art for healing has displayed tremendous benefit for patients and families affected by cancer or terminal illnesses
352Creates is two days of community art-making and creative activities throughout the 352 area code. It promotes the idea that creativity is good for our health and well-being as individuals and community. This shared sense of community through creativity is what makes 352Creates unique! 352Creates is a network of individuals, organizations, and businesses united by the idea that creativity connects our community and makes us healthier and stronger.
Creativity Matters: Arts & Aging Toolkit:
This resource explains how and why older adults benefit from participating in professionally conducted community arts programs and offers detailed advice and examples on program design, implementation, and evaluation.
Foundation for Hospital Art: (678) 324-1705,
The mission of Foundations for Hospital Art is to give comfort and hope to those who suffer in hospitals by providing artwork at no cost to hospitals.
Mayo Clinic Stress Management:
The mission of Mayo Clinic is to empower people to manage their health. This website provides useful and up-to-date information and tools that reflect the expertise and standard of excellence of Mayo Clinic.
National Association for Poetry Therapy: (561) 498-8334,
This website promotes growth and healing through language, symbol, and story. The term “poetry therapy” encompasses bibliotherapy (the interactive use of literature) and journal therapy (the use of life-based reflective writing) as well as therapeutic storytelling, the use of film in therapy, and other language-based healing modalities.
National Center for Creative Aging: (202) 895-9456,
The National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA) is dedicated to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and the quality of life of older people. Creative expression is important for older people of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds, regardless of economic status, age, or level of physical, emotional, or cognitive functioning.
Smith Farm Center for the Healing Arts: (202) 843-8600,
This website will direct you to Smith Farm Center’s retreats and programs which will offer choices in healing, provide emotional support, enhance living, and complement mainstream medical care. Their programs are small in size, experiential, and held in beautiful settings.
The Happiness Project:
This website contains information on best-seller author Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project. This book is a memoir of the year she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, the current scientific studies, and the lessons from popular culture about how to be happy–from Aristotle to Martin Seligman to Thoreau to Oprah.
UF Center for the Arts in Medicine: (352) 273-1488,
This website contains current arts in medicine research and education through the University of Florida. CAM is committed to advancing research, education, and practice in the arts in healthcare, locally and globally.
UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine: (352) 733-0880,
This website provides information on the development of UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine (AIM). AIM has grown into one of the largest comprehensive arts in healthcare program in existence. AIM is designed to transform the hospital setting for patients, visitors, caregivers, and staff. Call AIM to ask for a visual artist, musician, or writer to visit your room (for inpatients and their visitors) and ask about our weekly classes.