The Gainesville, FL community is at the center of this project. Click or tap the cards below to view photos of some of the HeART Wall Happy Hours, workshops, and events that led to the making of this Love Letter to Gainesville.
HeART Wall Installation
With help from volunteers, UF Health Facilities, and our partners, the installation of the HeART Wall was a success!

Ribbon Cutting Celebration
On July 27th, 2024, AIM and Sarah Hinds gathered to officially unveil the HeART Wall with a celebration in Depot Park.

HeART Wall Happy Hours and Workshops
Arts in Medicine Team
AIM artists and administrators were among the first to contribute mosaic hearts to the wall.

Alachua Elementary School Students
Visual artist Sarah Hinds led Alachua Elementary students in mosaic heart making.

Alachua County Art and Music Teachers
Alachua County art and music teachers created HeART Wall hearts during their bi-annual Wellness Workshop.

HeART Wall Happy Hour at Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW)
Community members made mosaic hearts to contribute to the HeART Wall.

Girl Scout Troops 800 & 995
Girl Scout troops 800 and 995 made mosaic hearts with their families, led by artist in residence Sarah Hinds.

“Hubsters” creating their heart mosaics.

Gainesville High School Ceramics Classes
Sarah asked the students from the Gainesville High School ceramics classes to create heart-shaped tiles for the wall.