Dance for Life

Dance for Life

Dance for Life is a free weekly dance class for people with movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Multiple sclerosis (MS) and their significant others. The program is designed to help people with PD improve their quality of life through movement, creativity, and fostering connections. The program is led by highly trained instructors from UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine with expertise in adapting dance for those with movement disorders. The class is adaptive, welcoming, and designed to meet the needs of each participant so that everyone feels comfortable and ready to dance.

Program Structure: The class is offered weekly, is free and requires no prior dance experience. New participants are welcome upon completion of the pre-registration form and liability waiver (both linked on this page below).

Program Goals:

  • Reduce depression, anxiety, isolation, fatigue, pain, and constipation
  • Enhance quality of life by providing regular social interaction
  • Increase motivation and self-confidence through goal-setting and periodic “performance”
  • Encourage engagement in dance as a lifestyle change by including significant others in weekly classes

Days and Times

Dance for Life happens every Wednesday from 1-2pm online via Zoom. Zoom link is sent via email after using the registration forms below.

Former Dance for Life instructor, Whitney Wilson, gives a brief sample of what to expect at a Dance for Life class. Video from the 2023 Parkinson’s Symposium hosted by the UF Health Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases.

To register as a new participant for in person OR Zoom, complete both forms below.

How to register:

Complete both steps below to register for Dance for Life.

1. Waiver of Liability and Attestation – sign and complete prior to submitting the interest form below

2. Complete the pre-registration interest form below.

Note: If you have been regularly attending Dance for Life, you do not need to complete these forms as we already have record of your liability waiver and class attendance.

Dance for Life Pre-registration Form

***Before submitting the form below, please sign and complete the liability waiver, linked above. Use this form to communicate with Arts in Medicine your interest in participating in Dance for Life. We will be in touch within 3-5 business days.

Ex. Arts in Medicine website, Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases, my primary care provider, Healthstreet, social media, word of mouth, etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.