October 27th, 2021- This episode features life-long patient, Calvin Lee, and songwriter, Fat Gawd, expressing his world while hospitalized.
Episode 3
October 20th, 2021 DJ Jason Hedges takes over Shift Change for a special tribute to Tom Petty on his birthday.
“Wildflowers” Tom Petty. A special Arts in Medicine tribute in honor of Tom Petty’s birthday.
Episode 2
October 13th, 2021 – DJ Michael Claytor plays the requests of healthcare workers. Musician in residence, RIcky Kendall. talks about his collaborative work with nurses.
Watch Love + Medication – The product of a collaborative songwriting session about the power of nursing practice. Written with musician in residence Ricky Kendall and our nurses.
Episode 1
October 6th, 2021 – Listen to healthcare workers dedicate songs to co-workers. Heart transplant patient, Clayton Barber, talks about writing his original songs with Arts in Medicine
Clayton Barber, Michael Claytor and Andrew Hix record a new tune