Every day at UF Health, professional musicians trained to work in the healthcare setting impact the lives of our patients and staff by delivering live music at the bedside and in public spaces. In addition, these musicians participate in clinical research examining the efficacy and power of music to impact how care is delivered, and how wellness is perceived. They provide mentorship for student musicians preparing to do this work in other hospitals and communities. The Music in Medicine fund was created to help ensure a solid funding base to support the work of these talented artists.
Our team of musicians are not just part of this hospital, they are part of the Gainesville community. When former AIM musician in residence Jason Hedges learned of the untimely death of Gainesville’s greatest musician, Tom Petty, he began work on a hometown music festival in honor of the late musician. Thus the Tom Petty Birthday Bash was born. This event not only shared the legacy of Tom Petty with thousands of fans each year, but also established the Music in Medicine Fund.
Tom believed that music should be shared without limits, and that its power lies in its ability to transcend demographics like age, health condition, or socioeconomic status. A vision shared by Arts in Medicine and manifest through music performances at the hospital bedside – harnessing the transformative power of music.
Our sincerest thanks
for the recent generous donation from the William T. Bland Jr. Charitable Trust! These contributions to AIM help us explore new and exciting music production equipment like the MPC One Sampler seen in the image here.

Thank You!
AIM extends another warm thank you to the William T. Bland Jr. Charitable Trust for their generous donation to the Music in Medicine Fund! Our team is excited to envision new ways in which this support can keep our program and patients thriving through music. As musicians often do, we'll say "thank you" with a song.

"Ripple" cover, dedicated to Clare Garner in gratitude, from Arts in Medicine
As a thank you to Clare Garner for their charitable donation to the Music in Medicine fund, AIM musicians present a favorite song of theirs, “Ripple” by the Grateful Dead. Performed by Ricky Kendall, Michael Claytor and Sam Moss.

Special thank you to the William T. Bland Jr. Charitable Trust,
whose recent donation to the Music in Medicine Fund will help support AIM musicians in residence! This donation will help ensure that they continue to thrive as they provide joy and comfort to patients, their families, and staff at UF Health in Gainesville, FL

Here’s how Arts in Medicine musicians in residence are making a difference at UF Health and in the Gainesville community…
Tom Petty's "Wildflowers"
performed by AIM's musicians in residence

Mark Connelly and Jason Hedges continue to rock and roll

Music in Adult Emergency Care
Highlighting research examining the power for live preferential music in the ED conducted by the UF Center for Arts in Medicine.

The Heart and Soul of Rakeem "Viper" Smith