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The Art of Compassion: Nursing Education

As a UF student, Lauren Arce studied psychology, but a lifelong love of dance brought her to AIM. Lauren took a course at the UF Center for Arts in Medicine called Dance in Medicine. As part of her coursework, she became a volunteer at AIM and discovered how the arts…

Global Impact: AIM for Africa

The Twa of Rwanda represent only one percent of the country’s population. They are severely discriminate against and live in impoverished conditions, struggling each day to buy water and food. Of the village’s nearly one hundred members, only ten have survived past the age of forty. Despite their living conditions,…

Lake City VA Arts and Music Showcase

The Lake City VA Recreational Therapy department hosted their first art and music showcase June 12, 2012 featuring original works of art and performances by inpatient veterans. Shands Arts in Medicine artists Cathy DeWitt, Madeline Austin, Mary Lisa Kitakis Spano and Nancy Lasseter have been training Lake…

Program Spotlight: Dance for Life

Life balance sometimes requires dancing. At the University of Florida’s McGuire Theatre and Dance Pavilion, the hallways are a cacophony of music, monologues, laughter, and the bustling of  bodies in motion. However, the students are not all typical young college kids. On Monday afternoons, the halls are also filled…