Tammy Bernard, Yoga Therapist

A yoga practitioner for over 20 years, Tammy Bernard, MEd, C-IAYT, began at UF Health in 2008 delivering a single staff lunchtime class. Today, UF Health’s Integrative Therapies offerings have expanded into a variety of programs offered to patients, clinicians and community. Tammy previously enjoyed a 17-year career as an educator and business owner, operating the Sylvan Learning Center of Gainesville. Her training includes yoga therapy for oncology care, mindfulness meditation, and relaxation therapy. Through breathing exercises, focused attention, and gentle movement, she encourages individuals to explore the inner landscape of mind, body, and heart as a pathway to self-discovery and self-nurturance. She continues to be encouraged by all the empirical data from the NIH supporting the efficacy of mindfulness-based therapies and has completed a pilot study with UF Health nurses of EnCARE – a self-healthcare curriculum for healthcare providers. Currently she is investigating integrative therapies for newly diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemic patients undergoing induction chemotherapy. Outside of work, Tammy enjoys time with family, being in nature, biking, and hiking the mountains of Colorado.

