Sunita Shepherd, Arts in Medicine Practitioner


Sunita became involved with UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine as a volunteer in 2011. After a few years of serving on AIM’s A+eam, experienced AIM volunteers that work independently answering patient requests and staff referrals for bedside visits, she became an arts in medicine practitioner in September 2013. Her enthusiasm for the arts began at an early age and has developed into a diverse array of art forms.  Some favorites include: card making & other paper crafts, personalized mazes, drawing, writing, calligraphy, graphic arts, digital photography & other digital compilations. Sunita is working as a visual artist in a variety of workshops and specialized bedside activities: Art Infusion & Brushes with Hope – for people receiving chemo or radiation treatments, Charlie’s Corner – for people awaiting heart transplants or receiving post-transplant care, Awaiting Baby – for expectant parents on the labor and delivery units, and Visual Arts Referrals – general bedside visits by request to patients throughout the hospital.

Why Arts in Medicine?

“The minute I walked in, I knew this was a perfect fit.  I love being able to share the sense of discovery and creativity with the people around me, and it is such an honor for me to provide a catalyst for this creative experience to people in the healthcare setting.”
