For the past two weeks, participants in the Dance for Life and Dance for MS classes have been learning the universal opening and closing sequences, as well as collaboratively creating their own section, for the 2020 National Water Dance.
National Water Dance is first and foremost a Movement Choir—a collective body of dancers and movers physically engaged in drawing attention to and action on water issues. Dancers across the nation simultaneously perform a universal opening and closing sequence, with each site’s unique choreography in between. Typically, this performance takes place with a live audience near a body of water. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all dances were performed from individuals’ respective homes via Zoom.
On Saturday April 18th, participants and volunteers from the classes finally came together to contribute their live performance to the National Water Dance live.
“It has been a real treat for all involved to strengthen the bond of our class community, to connect to a larger dance community, and to express gratitude for our environment,” Whitney Wilson, Dancer in Residence and instructor for Dance for Life and Dance for MS said of the classes’ contribution.
Enjoy the recorded performance of the Dance for Life and Dance for MS contribution to the 2020 National Water Dance.