July 10 – 31, 2019
Mon – Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Free – All are welcome
Please join UF Health Shands Arts in Medicine in celebrating original works created by adolescent girls incarcerated at a detention facility in Alachua County. Facilitated by AIM Artist in Residence, ‘Ms. Alana’, art group participants meet weekly to engage in literary and performing arts, and to create individual and group works of art using a variety of mediums. This powerful collection of mixed media self-portraits is in conjunction with a parallel Creative B exhibit currently up at the Harn Museum of Art. UnseenAmerica: Photographs from the Inside was organized by Charlotte Kesl, an independent photojournalist and teacher, and Alana Jackson, who led the group in developing the texts that accompany each photograph. The work is on display in the Harn’s Chandler Auditorium from May 28 – September 9, 2019.